Here I sit lounging on the couch in my too small sweatshirt, yoga pants and bare feet thinking about distractions that will keep my mind off the big questions in our home lately, such as, "When is it going to happen? When will this sweet baby girl grace us with her presence?" I have become very thankful for mindless distractions like Pinterest (when it’s not being the world’s slowest website and Iphone application on the planet but that’s a rant for another day). Through Pinterest I have been able to visualize myself as a stylish mom who is decked to the nines, cooks and bakes the most amazing food, is 100% tidy and organized 24/7, and the craftiest person ever. It will be fun to try and live up to this when I am sleep deprived and attending to a newborn’s every whim. Ahh but I can dream!
my style
my lemon-blackberry cheesecake